The Internet Celebrity Economy — Is popularity equal to buying?
With the arrival of the new media era, almost all industries have faced huge changes in commercial strategy and business management. The...
网红经济- 人气等于金钱?
Bike Sharing Programs — Are They Real Communism?
If you saw last year’s film Before the Flood directed by Oscar award winner Leonardo DiCaprio, this climate change documentary likely...
共享单车— 真正的共产主义?
由金奖影帝李奥纳多·狄卡皮欧制作的气候变迁纪录片《洪水来临前》, 想必看过的人都一样,到现在还是那么的印象深刻。随着科技跟文明的发展,在另一个层面下的牺牲,就是整个地球的生态。片中李奥纳多实地走访多个国家,纪录了来自全世界的吶喊还有苦楚。但在气候和生态上面来说,没有国与国之...
Online Shopping craze turns a deliver boy from modest beginnings Into the third richest man in China
Spend some time with Chinese consumers and you quickly realize how different their shopping habits are compared to those of Westerners. ...
Where is Hot Money Going?
What would you do with $1 million dollars in assets that you could invest in just about anything you wanted? Would you even know where...
April to May Must-see Spots in Los Angeles
Silver Lake In Los Angeles, summer always seems to come early. This sunshine city has been home over the ages to a mix of culture and...
万物生长 春季之旅
文艺之旅·银湖城 在洛杉矶这个阳光之城,夏天总是感觉迫不及待的就提早到来。这样热情的城市,容纳了多元的文化与冲突,进而碰撞出多样性的艺术充斥着各个角落。如果说巴黎或是纽约带领了上几个世纪的文艺风潮,那么洛杉矶在这个世纪成就了更广泛的艺术文化。...
Coexisting with Beasts
Believe it or not, many people share in their imaginations one similar dream: living in a tropical rain forest, climbing trees like...